Reiki for Pets at La Vie et Compagnie - La Vie et Compagnie
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Reiki for Pets at La Vie et Compagnie

Animal Reiki

Reiki can help animals in many ways. Along with healthy animals, Reiki can help them stay healthy, on all levels. It can help the animal by acting on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. It is a powerful tool for physical and emotional healing from illness, abuse, neglect, fear. For nervous animals it is an undeniable asset.

If you've never tried it before, you'll be amazed at how receptive your pet will be.


Here are some examples of what Reiki can do for your pet:

reduce anxiety and stress,
promote relaxation, a general feeling of well-being,
accelerate post-operative recovery,
help relieve pain and discomfort,
relieve the symptoms of the disease and the side effects of drugs and treatments,
help calm aggressive or fearful animals,
improve emotional problems and
accompany an animal at the end of its life